“The Tokyu Plaza Omotesando is such a famous place that finding a new perspective can be difficult. Here is a low-angle shot of my sister taking it all in.” #ShotoniPhone by Julina R. @julinarashid
“I love watching the sunset from my living room window and wanted to capture it all in one picture. So I took a total of 18 photos, one every 4 minutes or so, and spliced them all together.” #ShotoniPhone by Victor R. @victographics
Community Brief 07: 2017
That one shot you secretly can’t believe is yours.
Tag #The2017Series + #ShotoniPhone
We’ll post favorites next week.
Photos & videos welcome.
Music: "Sound Sharp" by Ill Mondo
“I’ll often point out these colorful things to whoever I’m with but they usually just think that I’m weird.” #ShotoniPhone by Kate Z. @hello_spectrum
Music: “Hidden in the Chips” by @lullatone